Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Melancholy Celebration

Tonight my sisters and I are going out to dinner to celebrate my Mom's 89th birthday. Mom will only be there in spirit, but we figured she deserved a party, so we're having one. It will be a melancholy gathering, as are all "big days" during this first year without Mom.

We'll go to one of her favorite restuarants and think of her. We'll order one of her usual picks on the menu and think of her. We'll sing "Happy Birthday" and think of her. But mostly we'll just miss her and wish she was there with us making some funny remark about being another year older.

If you still have your mother, take her out to dinner on her birthday and give her lots of hugs. That's what we wish we could do today.

Happy Birthday, Mom! Are you and Dad going dancing tonight?

Love you always,

Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas - The Day After

Christmas 2008 is behind us, and I'm relieved. It was the first without my Mom, Virginia, and George's Mom, Oda -two strong women who outlived their husbands and siblings and hung on to life until the ripe age of 88.

Both Virginia and Oda were plagued with numerous ailments throughout their lives. Oda was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis at age 40 and Virginia lived the last years of her life without a colon and a left leg, but they were the linchpins that held families together. Now that they are gone my generation is the oldest and that's a very sobering thought.

When I think of all the changes in the world - in morals - in technology - in transportation - in medicine - in general knowledge - that our mothers experienced in their 88 years of life, it's mind boggling.

Will we measure up to the Great Depression and WWII generation of our parents? Do we have the determination and single-mindedness of heart and mind necessary to mentor younger generations and inspire them to become better people and thus make the world more livable for everyone? It's a big order. Hope we're up to it.



"Simply" Extraordinary

"Simply" Extraordinary
At home - Clearmont, WY

Rose & Claude Bates

Rose & Claude Bates
Newly married, 1913